Viva Oriana 詩憶奧莉安娜
Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
Music Director & Guest Appearance 音樂總監 及 客串演出
Paul Phoenix 菲尼克斯
(Founder of Purple Vocals, former tenor of The King’s Singers)
Performers 演出
SingFest Choral Academy 聲蜚合唱學院
Soprano 女高音 |
Joey Cheng 鄭芷欣 | Chung Wing Sum 鍾穎琛 | Karis Ho 何復加
Rainbow Lau 劉卓盈 | Law Tsz Ying 羅芷盈 | Tracy Pun 潘芷茵
Kenix Tsang 曾麗婷 | Mandy Yau 邱倩婷
Mezzo-Soprano 女中音
Carmen Bat 畢家敏 | Dominique Chan 陳皓琬 | Ophelia Kwan 關芷瑩
Clare Lam 林之蘭 | Jocelyn Lau 劉卓琳 | Jocasta Lo 盧樂文
Stella Yiu 姚翊淇
Tenor 男高音
Justin Ching 程俊軒 | Marco Lau 劉梓聰 | Roger Lo 勞展霖
Louis Ng 吳鈞陶 | Carmel Tse 謝迦密
Bass 男低音
William Lai 賴永念 | Dominic Lam 林浩恩 | Carlos Li 李梓諾
Jonathan Ngai 魏雋 | Declan Tse 謝啟迪 | Jason Wan 溫家弦
Samuel Wong 王俊謙
Ticket 票價 $180
(Free Seating 不設劃位)
450 years of triumphs in English madrigals
靜聽英倫詩語 復見百年幾許
Featuring English madrigals during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria, Viva Oriana highlights some of the best works from "The Triumphs of Oriana" (1601) and "Choral Songs in honour of Her Majesty Queen Victoria" (1899). As lyrical tunes spanning the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries by celebrated composers Thomas Morley, Robert Lucas Pearsall, Edward Elgar and many others unfold old British tales, a capella voices with poems retold will take you to revisit old times of England. This programme is part of the English Madrigal Theatrical Series by SingFest. A continuing episode, "Remembrance of things past", is coming up in July.
SingFest is proactive in promoting choral music through the highest quality of performances. We believe innovation is the key to keeping classical choral arts alive. As we strive to present finest performances, not only are we pursuing artistic standards in musical aspects but a broader theatrical context. Our emphasis on theatrical elements has been manifested in our recent productions, receiving wide acclaim.