© Chi Wai @ Moon 9 Image, Max @ Moon 9 Image
Education is at the heart of SingFest.
The mission of SingFest, a charitable organization, is to provide the highest quality of performances and innovative educational opportunities connecting local singers, instrumentalists, audiences and donors. Since 2012, SingFest has launched a series of choral-related education programmes for professional musicians, school teachers, university and secondary students, as well as music enthusiasts, under the guidance of world-class maestros.
Established as a summer festival, the 2014/15 season marked a critical time as SingFest evolved into a year-round programme “BACH 330” supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In celebration of Bach’s 330th birth anniversary and made up of over 25 choral events including Bach Cantata Lecture-Concerts, masterclasses and school tour, BACH 330 connected the local community of musicians and audiences with international maestros and artists, receiving wide acclaim. A Germany tour of Bach Christmas Oratorio at the invitation of Thüringer Bachwochen followed, together with an appearance in RTHK’s production Christmas Concert in the Park – Pastoral Symphony.
In 2016, SingFest presented Bach im Theater, the first classical choral theatre production in town. Combining physical movements, theatrical elements and contemporary insights, the newly-introduced art-form aims to breathe new life into classical choral music through an innovative showcase for young talent. In 2017, the second year-round programme “Choral Polygon” continued to promote early music and repertoire otherwise rarely performed through a variety of theatrical performances and educational events. In 2018/19 season, we embarked on another meaningful year-round project “choral:Images”, presenting staged productions of Bach’s works and micro-movies featuring Monteverdi’s madrigals, to promote choral arts and inspire humanity through the beauty of music.
Proactive in promoting choral music with high-quality performances, SingFest strives to pursue not only the finest artistic standard in music but also a broader theatrical context.
2014/15年度聲蜚首獲香港特別行政區政府的「藝能發展資助計劃」支持,由年度暑期合唱節發展至全年節目:為慶祝巴赫330 歲生辰,聲蜚開展「BACH 330」計劃,共呈獻超過25個節目及教育活動,其中包括巴赫清唱劇講座音樂會、大師班及學校巡演,不僅吸引本地音樂家及觀眾參與其中,更聚集了海外知名大師及藝術人才。同年更獲圖林根巴赫週邀請於德國巡演巴赫《聖誕神劇》,並參與香港電台製作的《聖誕園林音樂會─田園交響曲》。
聲蜚於2016年呈獻《巴赫劇場》,為本地首個古典合唱劇場製作,以形體動作、劇場元素及現代美學等多元手法呈現合唱音樂中豐富的戲劇性及感染力。2017年「Choral Polygon」計劃以一系列創新及多元化節目,推廣蒙台威爾第及巴赫的作品。2018至19年度開展「觀影察聲」計劃,以一連串《巴赫劇場》合唱劇場製作及微電影,觸動更多人的心靈,啟發思考。