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12-13.01.2019 (Sat六.Sun日)  ︳04:00PM

Lyrics 歌詞

Bach im Theater 巴赫劇場

Hercules at the Crossroads 分岔路上‧大力神 (BWV213)

Soloists and Baroque Orchestra 獨唱及巴羅克樂團:
SingFest Choral Academy 聲蜚合唱學院

Choral-physical Narrators 說書人
Law Tsz Ying 羅芷盈  ︳Karis Ho 何復加   ︳Carmel Tse 謝迦密    ︳Samuel Wong 王俊謙 

Duo-Hercules 大力神海格力斯
Dominique Chan 陳皓琬    ︳Keith Pun 潘子健
Lust 慾望 
Rachel Kwok 郭岍

Virtue 美德
Mike Williams威廉斯 (USA 美國)
Mercury 默丘利
Lam Kwok Ho 林國浩

Click Here for the Full Cast List!
按此 瀏覽完整演出名單!

In Jan 2019, SingFest presented a new Bach im Theater production - "Hercules at the Crossroads" (BWV 213 Hercules Cantata) in Black Box Theatre, sharing the story of Hercules in the face of choices.


SingFest's Bach im Theater, the first classical choral theatre production in town, combines early music, solo and choral music, movement and theatre elements to present Bach’s cantatas in a new and theatrical way.


(Performed in German)

聲蜚合唱節將於2019年1⽉上演全新巴赫合唱劇場 -《分岔路上‧⼤力神》,以古典合唱劇場形式,重新演繹巴赫清唱劇BWV 213,將這個有關⼤力神海格力斯與抉擇的故事重現舞台。




“choral:Images” is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of

the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This production is part of the project.

The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 

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